Vinay Lal
Title: Professor
Department: Asian American Studies and History
Current Project(s):
- Internet Hinduism -- a study of how the internet and digital media are deployed by Hindus in the US to advance the agenda of Hindu nationalism and how diasporic populations are shaping and defining 'Hinduism'
- Across the Color Line: Blacks, Indians, and Landscapes of the Self -- this is a short book I have just completed, and I'm working on revising it to include various histories of 'passing' among immigrant groups in the US, particularly South Asians
- Asian Americans and the Politics of Affirmative Action
Available Publications/Books:
- The Other Indians: Politics and Culture of South Asians in America. Los Angeles: Asian American Studies Center Press, University of California (UCLA), 2007; Delhi: HarperCollins, 2008.
- 'We’re Here Because You Were There’: Asian American Studies and Its Ambivalences, CUNY Forum 5, no. 1 (2017), pp. 71-76.
Tagged: History