Walter Allen
Title: Distinguished Professor, Allan Murray Cartter Professor of Higher Education
Department: Education, Sociology, African American Studies
Current Project(s):
- Comparative race, ethnicity and inequality, diversity in higher education, family studies
Available Publications/Books:
- Allen, W. R., Teranishi, R. T., & Bonous-Hammarth, M. (2012). As the world turns: Implications of global shifts in higher education for theory, research, and practice. Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis, 7.
- Allen, W. R., Elizondo, E., & Ceja, M. (2011). No color systems and college readiness. Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities. Allen, W. R., Kimura-Walsh, E., & Griffin, K. A. (2009).
- Towards a brighter tomorrow: College barriers, hopes and plans of Black, Latino/a and Asian American students in California. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Tagged: Education