Robert Chao Romero
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Asian American Studies/Chicano Studies
Current Project(s):
- Dr. Romero's most recent research explores the role of spirituality in Chicana/o social activism. His forthcoming book is entitled, The Brown Church: Towards a Latina/o Christian Social Justice History and Identity. Drawing from Critical Race Theory, The Brown Church examines the role of Christianity as a source of community cultural wealth in the social justice efforts of César Chávez, Oscar Romero, and the Chicana/o civil rights movement. Romero also co-chairs Matthew 25, one branch of the New Sanctuary Movement in Southern California.
Available Publications/Books:
- Romero, R. C. (2011). The Chinese in Mexico, 1882-1940. University of Arizona Press.
Tagged: Law, Immigration, Transnationalism