Michelle Caswell
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Information Studies
Email: caswell@gseis.ucla.edu
Current Projects:
- Her research explores the creation, use, and impact of independent community archives, particularly their political, artistic, and emotional impact in the wake of racialized trauma and oppression. She directs the UCLA Community Archives Lab (https://communityarchiveslab.ucla.edu/) and, together with Samip Mallick, is the co-founder of the South Asian American Digital Archive (http://www.saada.org), an online repository that documents and provides access to the diverse stories of South Asian Americans.
Available Publications/Books:
- Caswell, M. (2014). Archiving the unspeakable: silence, memory, and the photographic record in Cambodia. University of Wisconsin Pres.
- Caswell, M. (2010). Khmer Rouge archives: accountability, truth, and memory in Cambodia. Archival Science, 10(1), 25-44.
Tagged: Archival Research