Michael Stoll

Title: Professor
Department: Public Policy
Email: mstoll@ucla.edu

Current Project(s):

  • Dr. Stoll’s published work explores questions of poverty, labor markets, migration, and crime. His past work includes an examination of the labor market difficulties of less-skilled workers, in particular the role that racial residential segregation, job location patterns, job skill demands, employer discrimination, job competition, transportation, job information and criminal records play in limiting employment opportunities. His recent work examines the labor market consequences of mass incarceration and the benefits and costs of the prison boom.

Available Publications/Books:

  • Stoll, M. & Raphael, S. (2013). Why are so many Americans in prison? New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Stoll, M. & Raphael, S. (Eds.). (2009). Do prisons make us safer? The benefits and costs of the prison boom. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Tagged: Economics, Inequality, Immigration, Mass Incarceration, Prisons