Karen Umemoto
Title: Professor and Director, Asian American Studies Center
Department: Urban Planning and Asian American Studies
Email: kumemoto@ucla.edu
Current Project(s):
- Collective Memories Oral History Project - Project to preserve through the videotaping and collection of archival materials related to the founding of Asian American Studies at UCLA. We will gather oral histories of those who helped to fight for and establish the AASC as we approach the 50th Anniversary of the ethnic studies centers.
- Tri-campus Commemorative Oral History Book Project - We are working with faculty in Asian American Studies Departments at San Francisco State University and at UC Berkeley on a collaborative book to commemorate our 50th Anniversaries. This book will feature oral histories from each of the campuses and short histories of the respective programs founded in 1969 as a result of the Civil Rights and student movements of the sixties.
Available Publications/Books:
Some titles related to social justice published by the AASC include:
- Asian Americans: The Movement and the Moment
- Passing It On: A Memoir by Yuri Kochiyama
- Confrontations, Crossings, and Convergences
- Him Mark Lai: Autobiography of a Chinese American Historian
- NCRR: The Grassroots Struggle for Japanese American Redress and Reparations
Tagged: Urban Planning, Public Policy