Chandra Ford
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Public Health
Current Project(s):
- Center for Health Equity and Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice and Health; Health equity; social epidemiology/social determinants of health; health implications of racism; conceptualization & measurement of race, ethnicity and related constructs; Public Health Critical Race Praxis (PHCRP)/Critical Race Theory; the HIV care continuum; HIV and aging; sexual minority health; access to healthcare
Available Publications/Books:
- Ford CL and Airhihenbuwa CO. “Just What is CRT and What’s it Doing in a Progressive Field like Public Health? Ethnicity & Disease Supplement Applying Critical Race Theory in Health Equity Research [in press].
- Ford CL, Takahashi LM, Chandanabhumma PP, Ruiz ME & Cunningham WE. Anti-racism Methods for Big Data Research: Lessons Learned from the HIV Testing, Linkage, & Retention in Care (HIV TLR) Study. Ethnicity & Disease Supplement. Applying Critical Race Theory in Health Equity Research [in press].
- Ford CL, Daniel M, Earp JL, Kaufman JS, Golin CE, Miller WC. Perceived everyday racism, residential segregation and HIV testing in an STD clinic sample. American Journal of Public Health 2009;99(Supp1):S137-S143. PMCID: PMC2724930.
Tagged: Public Health, Health Policy, Gender/Sexuality