Aurora Jackson

Title: Professor
Department: Social Welfare

Current Project(s):

  • Dr. Jackson’s scholarship examines the interrelationships among economic hardship, parental psychological well-being, parenting in the home environment (including involvement by nonresident fathers), and child developmental outcomes in families headed by low-income, single-parent mothers with young children.

Available Publications/Books:

  • Jackson, A. P., Choi, J. K., Preston, K. S. J. (in press). Harsh parenting and black boys’ behavior problems: Single mothers’ parenting stress and nonresident fathers’ involvement. Family Relations.
  • Jackson, A. P. & Preston, K. S. J. (in press). Self-efficacy among unmarried black mothers and fathers of young children: A pilot study. Race and Social Problems.
  • Jackson, A. P., & Choi, J. K. (2018). Parenting stress, harsh parenting, and children’s behavior. Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health, 5(3): 1150.
  • Landry, C. M., Jackson, A. P., Tang, L., Miranda, J., Chung, B., Jones, F., Ong, M., & Wells, K. (2016). The effects of collaborative care training on case managers’ perceived depression related services delivery. Psychiatric Services, 68, 123-130.
  • Jackson, A. P., Choi, J. K., Preston, K. S. J. (2015). Nonresident fathers’ involvement with young black children: A replication and mediational model. Social Work Research, 39, 245-254.
  • Anderson, A. T., Jackson, A. P., Jones, L., Kennedy, D. P., Wells, K., & Chung, P. J. (2015). Minority parents’ perspectives on racial socialization and school readiness in the early childhood period. Academic Pediatrics, 15, 405-411.

Tagged: Psychology, Economics, Income Inequality