Ananda Marin

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Education

Current Project(s):

  • My research spans three focal areas: (1) the cultural organization and processes of social interaction, learning, and development across contexts; (2) implicit theories and senses of self as related to disciplinary learning and professional identities; and (3) the relationship between method, theory building, and the design of learning environments. Across these areas I explore questions about learning in a core domain of human knowing, the natural world, and by extension science education. In addition, the role of bodies, place/land, and mobility in teaching and learning interactions are central analytic frames for my scholarly work. Through my work I aim to answer basic research questions about development, innovate methods, and design teaching and learning tools that contribute to the goals and well-being of Indigenous and non-dominant communities.

Available Publications/Books:

  • Marin, A. & Bang, M. (2018). “Look it, this is how you know:” Family forest walks and knowledge building about the natural world. Cognition and Instruction, 36(2), 89-118.
  • Medin, D., ojalehto, b., Marin, A., & Bang, M. (2017). Systems of (non-) diversity. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 0088.
  • Page-Reeves, J., Marin, A., Bleecker, M., Moffett, M.L., DeerInWater, K., EchoHawk, S., & Medin, D. (2017). From community data to research archive: Partnering to increase and sustain capacity within a native organization. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 10, 283-297.

Tagged With: Education, STEM, Pedagogy, Communication, Families